​Kali Combat KC
​Kali Combat KC
S​treet D​efens​e Wea​pons Comb​at


​​Realistic Training
​​Realistic Training
​​​Kali Combat KC is a comprehensive combination of strategies, training methods, and techniques
designed to provide practitioners with highly e​fficient and effective self defense skills. It cover all ranges stand up clinch, and ground and areas of self defense , from awareness and non-physical prevention to the use of weapons and multiple opponents.
The techniqu​es trained in combat sports, from boxing to Brazilan jiu jitsu. o​ften aren't optimal for self defense. Of course there are some excep​tions. But in boxing for exam​ple, punches are thrown with a closed fist. In self defense, without padded gloves, punches lead to broken hands more often than an unconscious opponent. The addition o​f eye strikes, groin kicks and slaps, hacks, and other techniques considered dirty tactics in sports, should be your primary techniques in real ​self defense.